
May God Bless You With Discomfort… (A Franciscan Benediction)

Thought this was a powerful benediction, shared by way of Peter Young via The Micah Mandate: May God bless you with discomfort At easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, So that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, So that you …

May God Bless You With Discomfort… (A Franciscan Benediction) Read More »

World Vision Malaysia at BLC

Our church has maintained a long-standing relationship with World Vision Malaysia, as a ministry partner and child sponsor. This morning, Paul from World Vision Malaysia, came and shared with us about their work. Speaking from Luke’s gospel about the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he asked three questions: What stops us from helping others? Why …

World Vision Malaysia at BLC Read More »

Worship Gathering at 10am

Please be reminded that, beginning 1 January 2012, we will be starting our Worship Gatherings at 10:00am! Refreshments will be served after service to facilitate more time for fellowship. So please stay back for a chat or two… or three… or four… LW

Sermon: Sheep + Goats

Today, Alpha preached a very engaging message titled The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats – an end time message on judgement day from Jesus the judge. His Prezi slideshow is here: Sheep + Goats He has also converted his sermon text into an article in the form of an e-book, available here. LW