World Vision Malaysia at BLC

Our church has maintained a long-standing relationship with World Vision Malaysia, as a ministry partner and child sponsor.

This morning, Paul from World Vision Malaysia, came and shared with us about their work.

Speaking from Luke’s gospel about the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he asked three questions:

  • What stops us from helping others?
  • Why help others anyway?
  • Are we able to help those who are different from us?

We also had our very own Michelle share about her experience, along with her family’s, as a World Vision child sponsor! She shared how, since discovering the Advent Conspiracy, her family has opted to spend their money on changing the lives of their child sponsorship recipients instead of on “useless gifts”.

For more information on World Vision and how you can get involved – whether as a Child Sponsor, volunteer, prayer partner or corporate partner – please click here.


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