
REMINDER – Worship & Liturgy Seminar – Session 2, 24 Oct 2015

Reminder – session 2 of our Worship & Liturgy seminar hosted by Bangsar Lutheran Church will proceed tomorrow 24 October 2015, from 9am – 1pm at The Father’s House, Bangsar Lutheran Church. An RM25 fee will be levied to offset costs for materials and lunch. Taught by Rev. Augustin, the seminar will cover topics that include: Worship in the …

REMINDER – Worship & Liturgy Seminar – Session 2, 24 Oct 2015 Read More »

REMINDER – FREE Worship & Liturgy Seminar – 10 & 24 Oct 2015

Reminder – the FREE Worship & Liturgy seminar hosted by Bangsar Lutheran Church will start tomorrow 10 October 2015, from 9am – 1pm at The Father’s House, Bangsar Lutheran Church. The next session will be held on 24 October 2015, 9am – 1pm. Taught by Rev. Augustin, the seminar will cover topics that include: Worship in the Bible …

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Spaces – by Pastor Augustin

One of the not-so-much-focused-on stories on Maundy Thursday is the part where Jesus goes off with His disciples to pray at the Garden. It must have been a terrible time for him, and he would have been very much distressed and emotionally disturbed. I suppose it was only natural that he wanted his closest friends …

Spaces – by Pastor Augustin Read More »

Worship Enablers All-Hands Meeting

As announced in church, 3 March 2012, 9:30am-11:30am will be our Worship Enablers All-Hands Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to help all worship-enablers understand better what the worship life of the church is about. We will talk about understanding what happens in a typical BLC Service, the Lutheran perspectives behind it, as well …

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May God Bless You With Discomfort… (A Franciscan Benediction)

Thought this was a powerful benediction, shared by way of Peter Young via The Micah Mandate: May God bless you with discomfort At easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, So that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, So that you …

May God Bless You With Discomfort… (A Franciscan Benediction) Read More »