
One life

“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic” – Joseph Stalin I used to share slides with statistics of missing children in Malaysia, children sold into labour or for sexual exploitation. I have journeyed with a number of such children and adults in the Tenaganita Shelter for Trafficked survivors (2005-2011).  The …

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A refugee recognizes and recommends Christ

Most refugees are unemployed. Some have husbands and children. All have moments of recall. Idleness causes us to think of our past. Much in our past is good. Much in our past is not good. Much that we want to erase remains with us, no matter how hard we try to erase them.
My parents always showed they love me. I never lacked food or money. My parents always tried to do right things and to avoid wrong things. They strived to be morally upright. But it was not so with others who are a part of my history. … One of them tried to …

Carry Something Beautiful

The morning the snowstorm abated, walking to the prayer lodge, I saw Fr Michael furiously shovelling away snow at a corner of the garden. It was not in the way of anyone’s path. Here I was, tentatively and cautiously watching my every step to avoid slipping and sliding. And there he was shovelling with such gusto where no one treads.

Lockdown Litany

For the miles and miles of bubble wrap, packing tape and heat-shrink plastic we have added to landfills because we now do our shopping on Lazada and Shopee instead of at the mall, or the kedai runcit around the corner. For the expensive laksa, slightly sunken butter cake and addictive crackers we have added to …

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