Stations of the Cross 2008

BLC will be open three nights starting Wednesday till Good Friday from 8pm -10pm. Please feel free to join us … you can come any time between 8-10pm and walk through the stations at your own pace. The stations are designed for a contemplative journey of prayer, meditation and personal reflection.

Top Ten Reasons to Read Christian History & LBTI Course (Updated)

The Lutheran Bible Training Insitute (LBTI) Church History Course (3 Credit Hour) will start on March 25. Every Tuesday. 8pm at Bangsar Lutheran Church. Please contact me (Sivin) if you are interested for more details and to register for the course (if you haven’t). We will do 15 Tuesday nights together covering from the early …

Top Ten Reasons to Read Christian History & LBTI Course (Updated) Read More »

Conversations on Hearing God’s Voice (Gracious Christianity series)

When: June 27, 2007 Wednesday 8pm Where: Bangsar Lutheran Church Premises Who: Rev. Sivin Kit What: “God is speaking all the time, but we are often too preoccupied to notice. God doesn’t shout to get our attention, but typically speaks softly and quietly. God’s voice invariably comes to us as a call, luring us deeper …

Conversations on Hearing God’s Voice (Gracious Christianity series) Read More »