The single, most important sentence I ever heard

This Sunday, the lectionary invites Christian communities to read John 15:1-8. Most Bibles, including the English Standard Version which we use in Bangsar Lutheran Church, group verses 1-17 together and give them the heading “I Am the True Vine.” Last Sunday we were invited to reflect on Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) – …

The single, most important sentence I ever heard Read More »

Why did Jesus eat the fish? Are there toilets in heaven?

This Sunday, the lectionary invites us to ponder Luke 24:36b-48. The English Standard Version supplies the passage with the title “Jesus Appears to His Disciples.” It also supplies headings to the preceding passages in the chapter. The headings are “The Resurrection” and “On the Road to Emmaus.” In my column “The fish, the water, and …

Why did Jesus eat the fish? Are there toilets in heaven? Read More »

Understanding the “Allah Socks” issue in Malaysia: A call for compassion and awareness

In recent weeks, Malaysia has been embroiled in a controversy surrounding socks printed with the word “Allah.” This seemingly innocuous product has sparked heated debates, protests, and even acts of violence. As tensions rise, it is crucial for non-Muslims to approach this issue with sensitivity and understanding. Let us delve into the complexities and implications …

Understanding the “Allah Socks” issue in Malaysia: A call for compassion and awareness Read More »

The forgotten Greeks and the glorified Jesus

This Sunday the lectionary invites us to consider John 12:20-43. The English Standard Version breaks the text into three portions and supplies them with the headings: “Some Greeks Seek Jesus,”[1] “The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up,”[2] and “The Unbelief of the People”[3]. The first portion tells of some Greeks[4] who’d come to Jerusalem …

The forgotten Greeks and the glorified Jesus Read More »