Epiphany at the Gym

I was in the midst of my training session at the gym last evening, when it suddenly dawned on me. I finally see it. I finally know.

The realization came over me and I was overwhelmed by the truth.

How strong my Lord was.

How strong my Lord was, in his fully human form, to have carried the cross weighing 75kgs, 3-4 metres high and a 2-metre wide beam.

How strong my Lord was to carry that cross 600 metres to Golgotha, upon his shoulder & back that was completely skinned.

How strong my Lord was to carry that cross while bleeding profusely from his head where the crown of thorns pierced into his forehead & scalp.

How strong my Lord was to carry that cross while bleeding profusely from his severely whipped back that completely tore off His skin.

How strong my Lord was to endure His punishment to its very end. Having no morsel of food. Having no sip of water. Having been deprived of these for hours.

How strong my Lord was physically to have endured the torture and the pain.

How strong my Lord was mentally, emotionally and in spirit to endure the torture and the pain.

Most of all, I was overwhelmed by the power, strength and depth of His love for me, for us … to have endured such brutality for our sakes.

He did so for that was the only Way back to God, to Life and to Love. 

He didn’t have to … He struggled at the final moments … but still He chose to … for you and for me.

I am overwhelmed …

1 thought on “Epiphany at the Gym”

  1. Thank you for sharing this point of connection you had with the Lord at the Gym, Meera. It’s really amazing – this identification.

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