
Caught between a sentence now and in the future?

The lectionary invites us this Sunday to ponder Jesus’ prediction of his suffering and death in Jerusalem, Peter’s reaction, and Jesus’ response. It reminds us we’re caught between a sentence now and in the future. The passage is Matthew 16:21-28. Most bibles split it in half and supply the headings “Jesus Foretells His Death and …

Caught between a sentence now and in the future? Read More »

Why did people say Jesus was Jeremiah?

This Sunday, the lectionary invites us to ponder the gospel passage which many translations title “Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ” (Matthew 16:13-20). The passage features Jesus and Peter and “the disciples,” the twelve members of Jesus’ inner circle. It tells of a conversation between them. By this time, Jesus has performed miraculous healings, exorcisms, …

Why did people say Jesus was Jeremiah? Read More »

Cords of life, death, sisterhood, friendship, faith

July is cord blood awareness month. Cord blood is nutrient-rich blood which flows from a pregnant mother’s placenta to her baby via the umbilical cord[1]. The umbilical cord is the lifeline between mother and child. Ironically, this July my mother had another close shave with death. Early one morning, my mother complained that she wasn’t …

Cords of life, death, sisterhood, friendship, faith Read More »

Was Jesus incredibly rude to a desperate mother?

Was Jesus incredibly rude to a desperate mother? Why didn’t his biographers bury the story? This Sunday the lectionary invites us to ponder Jesus’ encounter with a desperate woman, reported in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 15, verses 21-28. The Gospel of Mark gives a parallel account, in chapter 7, verses 24-30. Matthew calls her …

Was Jesus incredibly rude to a desperate mother? Read More »