Guest Columnist

Liturgical worship – my journey from copy-paste to practitioner

Humans are creatures of habit. After many years of doing the same worship style/practices every week, whether is it liturgical, open worship, led worship, or any other kind of worship, we’re bound to reach a point where we ask ourselves, “Why are we doing this?” or “What is the right way to do Sunday Worship”? …

Liturgical worship – my journey from copy-paste to practitioner Read More »

A refugee recognizes and recommends Christ

Most refugees are unemployed. Some have husbands and children. All have moments of recall. Idleness causes us to think of our past. Much in our past is good. Much in our past is not good. Much that we want to erase remains with us, no matter how hard we try to erase them.
My parents always showed they love me. I never lacked food or money. My parents always tried to do right things and to avoid wrong things. They strived to be morally upright. But it was not so with others who are a part of my history. … One of them tried to …