Welcome to Bangsar Lutheran Church, more commonly referred to by our community as The Father’s House. We are a community that’s Christ centred and people oriented. We come from a very wide spectrum of backgrounds – ethnicity, nationality, cultural, diverse Christian traditions – and every one, though a single individual, are still yet within one family of God.  We strive to emphasize that each individual’s journey of faith must be authentically personal in relationship with God.

We refer to our church as The Father’s House because we believe that a church is a faith community of people who have a personal, genuine and authentic relationship with God and each other. Jesus gave us only one new commandment, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. All our ministries are but an expression of that commandment.

If you are looking for a church, come, join us. You’re most welcome. We look forward to know you and you us. And we hope you will stay because you have found a home with us in Christ.

Our Purpose

We want to see BLC becoming a Missional Church where a community of Christ-Followers who are integrated in network of smaller missional communities, will be equipped and empowered by the Spirit to live the Christian Faith, share the Good news of God’s Grace and demonstrate God’s unconditional love, captured by the vision to serve as a catalyst for spiritual and social change in our personal spheres of influence, Bangsar, and beyond.

The Mission of BLC is to

Invite people into the reign of God,

Encourage them to grow in the Body of Christ, and

Equip them to be sent into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Bangsar Lutheran Church, as a member congregation of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia, holds on to the same confessions of faith


  • Allegiance to the Lordship of Christ
  • Living by God’s Grace
  • Godly Servant Leadership
  • Biblical Preaching & Teaching
  • Authenticity
  • Passionate Worship
  • Loving Community
  • A Heart for People
  • Prayer
  • Life in the Spirit
  • Kingdom Lifestyle


Our Purpose

Monthly Update
Lent 2024. Daily Devotions on Youtube. 14 February – 27 March

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Jesus and the Pharisees, Christians and Jews

This Sunday the lectionary invites us to ponder Mark 7:1-23.[1] The English Standard Version divides it into two parts. It titles the first part “Traditions and Commandments” and the second part, “What Defiles a Person?” In the previous chapter, Mark...

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Jesus’ weird route and speech with a sharp mother, a deaf man, and his friends

This Sunday, the lectionary invites us to ponder Mark 7:24-37. The English Standard Version divides the passage into two parts and supplies them with the headings “The Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith,” and “Jesus Heals a Deaf Man.” A year ago, I wrote about the parallel account in Matthew 15, about the Syrophoenician woman’s faith. I titled … Jesus’ weird route and speech with a sharp mother, a deaf man, and his friends Read More »

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Jesus and the Pharisees, Christians and Jews

This Sunday the lectionary invites us to ponder Mark 7:1-23.[1] The English Standard Version divides it into two parts. It titles the first part “Traditions and Commandments” and the second part, “What Defiles a Person?” In the previous chapter, Mark described Jesus sending out the twelve members of his inner circle. He sent them out … Jesus and the Pharisees, Christians and Jews Read More »

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Every Sunday, 10:00 a.m.