Notice Of Bangsar Lutheran Church 15th Annual General Meeting

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To: Bangsar Lutheran Church members,

As announced in church yesterday, 20 Mar 2016, notice is hereby given that the 15th Annual General Meeting of Bangsar Lutheran Church (“BLC”) will take place:

  • Date: Sunday, 10 April 2016
  • Venue: The Father’s House, 23 Jalan Abdullah, Off Jalan Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur
  • Time: 12:00pm

Full notice of AGM has already been posted on the notice board and disseminated through the church e-mailing list.

Register Your Attendance

All BLC Members are invited to attend. Please note that we must achieve a quorum of 25%+1 of voting members for the AGM to proceed. We look forward to your attendance and participation!

Kindly confirm your attendance by returning the Registration Form by Sunday, 3 April 2016.


BLC who are not able to attend the AGM, you are welcome to appoint a proxy. Kindly note:

  • You may nominate a BLC VOTING member who will be attending the AGM to be your proxy by filling in the Registration Form attached.
  • Proxies are allowed to participate in the AGM, ask questions and provide feedback during the meeting but are not given voting rights.
  • Voting Members – have right of voice and vote. Voting members are defined by the constitution as ‘adult members, regular and associate, who have attained the age of 18 years, and who participate in the worship services and life of the congregation, and who regularly receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.’

Thank you.

Leigh Wong
Chairperson, Bangsar Lutheran Church 2015-2017

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