
Jesus’ weird route and speech with a sharp mother, a deaf man, and his friends

This Sunday, the lectionary invites us to ponder Mark 7:24-37. The English Standard Version divides the passage into two parts and supplies them with the headings “The Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith,” and “Jesus Heals a Deaf Man.” A year ago, I wrote about the parallel account in Matthew 15, about the Syrophoenician woman’s faith. I titled …

Jesus’ weird route and speech with a sharp mother, a deaf man, and his friends Read More »

Jesus and the Pharisees, Christians and Jews

This Sunday the lectionary invites us to ponder Mark 7:1-23.[1] The English Standard Version divides it into two parts. It titles the first part “Traditions and Commandments” and the second part, “What Defiles a Person?” In the previous chapter, Mark described Jesus sending out the twelve members of his inner circle. He sent them out …

Jesus and the Pharisees, Christians and Jews Read More »