Batu 20 Orang Asli Visit

We definitely had a very eventful, but joyous Sunday today. Not only were we blessed with a visit by the LCM KL Dean Rev. Francis Ho, we were also graced with a visit from our Batu 20 Orang Asli sister congregation from Cameron Highlands.


The group, led by Rev. Chu Fook On, was in KL for the “A New Dawn – A New Journey” LCM Orang Asli concert yesterday.

They presented a Bahasa Malaysia (Malay language) song, Dalam Yesus Kita Bersaudara (In Jesus, We Are One Family) – a wonderful celebration of the kinship we share in Christ.


Afterwards, we had a simple lunch fellowship before they began their journey back home.

20121028-144935.jpgWe thank God for the inseparable bond that we share as brothers and sisters because of what Christ has done for us!

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