Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party

We’re unearthing more goodies from yesteryears in the pursuit of updating this blog/site! (Ironic, isn’t it?) Here are three scenes from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party organized way back in 2008 (courtesy of Sivin Kit)! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUH2sPjxtZM] Moh Foong and her pancake batter [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg96voNU5ow] Ian flips the pancake… very Cirque du Soleil of him! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8CuTk5q0sE] The …

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party Read More »

Worship Gathering at 10am

Please be reminded that, beginning 1 January 2012, we will be starting our Worship Gatherings at 10:00am! Refreshments will be served after service to facilitate more time for fellowship. So please stay back for a chat or two… or three… or four… LW

Christmas 2011 at BLC

Here’s a little short video/slideshow of Christmas at BLC 2011. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu4y3tHi0Co&feature=youtu.be] (The audio is the result of an impromptu jamming session – so forgive it’s “raw” feel!) Thanks to Yu Chiet for putting it together! Photo credits to the various avid photographers and social media enthusiasts who attend service at BLC! LW

Blessed Christmas 2011!

Blessed Christmas 2011! May the peace, joy, hope and love of Christ be made known and made more real in our lives as we celebrate how God has come to be with us… Emmanuel. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sghwe4TYY18] (via Igniter Media) LW

Sermon: Sheep + Goats

Today, Alpha preached a very engaging message titled The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats – an end time message on judgement day from Jesus the judge. His Prezi slideshow is here: Sheep + Goats He has also converted his sermon text into an article in the form of an e-book, available here. LW