11th BLC AGM

This is to announce that the Bangsar Lutheran Church 11th annual general meeting will be held on 29 April 2012, after the Worship Service at The Father’s House.

Members are requested to make time after service to attend the meeting. Regular worshippers who are not members of the church may attend the meeting as observers. Lunch will be provided.

In preparation for the meeting, kindly:

  • Inform us if you are attending the meeting and the required number of pax for lunch
  • Ensure that you’ve picked up and read the necessary reading materials – minutes of the last AGM, ministry reports and accounts.
  • Inform the church if you are unable to attend the meeting and would like to appoint a proxy
  • You may email the church at rumahpapa[dot]admin[at]gmail[dot]com if you need further clarification or help with any of the above.

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