Dear Parents, Sunday School Teachers, Pastoral Care workers and anyone who loves children,
Bangsar Lutheran Church is pleased to host a 1-day workshop organized by Breakthru Enrichment Station on: How To Tell Children Sacred Stories From The Bible Using Godly Play®.
Date: Saturday, 10 November 2012
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: The Father’s House, Bangsar Lutheran Church (directions and map here)
What is Godly Play?
Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language – parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action – helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. The goal of Godly Play is to show how to be open to the Holy Spirit, The Creator, and the Redeemer all at once and all the time in every place. For more information, please visit: http://www.godlyplayfoundation.org
Here’s a video intro to what Godly Play is all about:
Facilitator: Mr. David Pritchard, Spain (Children’s Ministry Coordinator with Scripture Union Spain & certified Godly Play teacher trainer)
Here’s a video of when David last visited us here in Bangsar Lutheran Church, where even the adults were as captivated as the children!
Fees: RM60 per person, Group of 3 persons and above RM40 each: Includes registration, handouts, tea & lunch.
Please register by 3 November 2012 by emailing Yu Chiet at yuchiet[at]hotmail[dot]com or calling at 019-2288869 or 012-3292681.
Other info: Participants should wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to sit on the floor during sessions… although chairs will be provided for those you may have difficulties with this!
Kindly share this information to those who may benefit in attending the workshop.
Godly Play is also suitable to use to approach children who have special needs. David Pritchard will be doing a 1 hour session with children who have special needs on 3 November 2012 at Breakthru Enrichment Station.