Lent: 40 Days of Action – Day 14
Every time you drive your car today, put RM1 in your collection bank to help combat global climate change. LW
Every time you drive your car today, put RM1 in your collection bank to help combat global climate change. LW
For each angry or sad person you encounter today, help another one laugh. Laughter heals! LW
Think of a gift you would like for yourself; now purchase and give it to someone who really needs it. LW
Drink water instead of canned drinks; eat smaller portions of food. LW
Teach your children – or the children of your congregation – how to fix things rather than throwing them away. LW
Stop saving items to “read later.” read them now or recycle them. LW
Turn off your air-conditioning today (or turn up the temperature). Put RM1 into your collection bank for your effort. LW
Save your trash today. Look at how much you have; think of ways to reduce waste. LW
Memorize a Scripture passage about hunger. Pray for those without food today. LW
Give your blessings specific names. Prayer is powerful when it is specific. LW