Sermon Series: The Kingdom Prayer

After guest speaker Pastor Margaret Loy’s sermon last week on “Honoring the Poor,” this week, we begin a new sermon seriescalled “The Kingdom Prayer”; based on “The Lord’s Prayer” through the Gospel of Luke. Please join us, all are welcome!


Date Readings Preacher
14 Aug Honor the poor Pr. Margaret Loy
21 Aug Father (Luke 11:1-4) Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit
27 Aug*
(Sat 5pm)
Your Kingdom Come (Luke 11:1-4)
BLC Anniversary Celebration & Dinner
Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit
4 Sep Give Us Each Day (Luke 11:1-4) Rev. Dr. Sivin Kit
11 Sep Forgive Us Our Sins (Luke 11:1-4) Karl A
18 Sep No service this week (we are away for the LCM’s National Lutheran Conference)
7 Aug Lead Us Not Into Temptation (Luke 11:1-4) Rev. Dr. Siew Woh


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