Let There Be Light at Batu 20!

Photo credit: Moh Foong

This past weekend, a group of adults and children from BLC went to help install solar-powered lights for our orang asli brothers and sisters at Cameron Highlands.

The project was mooted so that the children of Batu 20 could have a light source to read and study at night; without relying too much on a fuel-powered generator which cost more money than the community could afford for regular, consistent night-lighting.

Photo credit: Moh Foong

While some of the team worked on installing the solar panel and lights, others conducted various activities including…

Playing games with the children:

Photo credit: Moh Foong

Teaching the women of the community how to cook delicious Indian snacks (which is not something they’re used to making):

Photo credit: Moh Foong

Refurbishing their blackboards (the kids were really helpful here):

Photo credit: Moh Foong

A special thanks to Rubini, our Missions Catalyst, as well as the team working with her; for getting this project off the ground!

...and there was light! (Photo credit: Benson Ting)
…and there was light! (Photo credit: Benson Ting)

We also thank God for the generous person who donated the solar panel, the BLC Family who contributed funds towards the project, as well as the adult and children volunteers who made the trip up to Cameron Highlands!

More pics available here.

Insert requisite
Insert requisite “How many Lutherans does it take to change a light bulb?” joke here.

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