Education Activities Begin This Week

Don’t forget that beginning this week, BLC’s education activities will begin at 9am:

Bible Study – Series On Worship
Have you ever wondered about why Christians worship the way we do – why do we sing and have prayer? What was a worship service like for the early Christians, especially during times of persecution? How should we understand the sermon and Holy Communion? What is the Lutheran perspective on worship? How does one worship in the catacombs?!

Our 9am Bible Study will begin with a series on Worship. We will look at Worship from a historical, biblical, liturgical and theological view. Do come and join us!!!

Children’s Ministry
The Children’s Ministry caters to two groups of young children namely toddlers (age 3-7) and primary school children (typically age 8-12). Our children’s activities are based on the principles of “Godly Play” (which you can read about here:

Youth Ministry
We engage our youths, aged 13-17, in activities, games and thought-provoking discussions as we lead them towards a full life in Christ.

Come and join us!

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