Last Saturday, BLC celebrated our 16th anniversary since being “resurrected” on 1 April 2000. Yes, we were aptly founded on April Fool’s Day – Sivin even recalled the sermon during the first service asked the initial 20-or-so congregants, “Are you ready to be fools for Christ?”
To celebrate, we held our worship service on Saturday evening. During the service, we were blessed to have special presentations by the children. We also had a video presentation highlighting scenes from our early years (2000-2004).
Sivin continued the preaching series on The Kingdom Prayer – focusing on “Your Kingdom Come,” where he interweaved stories about starting BLC with the message on what it meant to pray for God’s kingdom to be embodied on earth.
We also had a special bulletin cover designed by our very own Komeil and also printed our story as a take home for everyone. Our altar decoration also featured our first ear of corn from our community garden – a first fruit offering from this cycle’s harvest!
We even wished BLC a happy birthday with a song and a home-baked cake!

Finally, we had a potluck dinner where many folks contributed a scrumptious smorgasbord of food!
Our heartfelt thanks to Michelle and Stephanie for organizing most of the anniversary celebrations today (especially the programme, coordination, and for organizing the massive potluck dinner)! Thanks also to Adeline for helping coordinate, Komeil for the special bulletin cover, Priscilla for the BLC birthday cake, the children for blessing us with musical gifts, Benjamin and the worship music team, as well as Clarice and team for the harvest from our garden. Thank also to all of YOU – for all your contributions big and small.
The church is ultimately its people – this celebration was a clear showcase of that!
More pics here, courtesy of Ben and Vanessa (
(Check out Alpha’s Facebook Live post on the aftermath of our celebrations!)