BLC 8th Anniversary – Children’s Presentation (2008)
It’s amazing to see how much the kids have grown compared to this video just a little under 4 years ago! [vimeo] Thanks to Sivin for the video! LW
It’s amazing to see how much the kids have grown compared to this video just a little under 4 years ago! [vimeo] Thanks to Sivin for the video! LW
Here’s another video via the always camera-ready trigger-happy Sivin Kit (thanks!). You get to see more of what The Father’s House looked like before our most recent renovation in 2010. [vimeo] LW
Happy New Year 2012 everyone! As we lay our past “baggage” at the foot of the Cross, let us – from that very same Cross – look forward to a New Hope. LW
Just a gentle reminder that, from tomorrow (1 January 2012) onwards, church service will begin at 10am! This is so that we will have more time to spend together after service to enjoy fellowship and refreshments. And, maybe, invite someone new out to lunch! LW
We’re unearthing more goodies from yesteryears in the pursuit of updating this blog/site! (Ironic, isn’t it?) Here are three scenes from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party organized way back in 2008 (courtesy of Sivin Kit)! [youtube=] Moh Foong and her pancake batter [youtube=] Ian flips the pancake… very Cirque du Soleil of him! [youtube=] The …
Please be reminded that, beginning 1 January 2012, we will be starting our Worship Gatherings at 10:00am! Refreshments will be served after service to facilitate more time for fellowship. So please stay back for a chat or two… or three… or four… LW
On 15 October 2011, BLC played host to the team from MyConstitution/PerlembagaanKu who conducted a half-day workshop to help us all understand the Malaysian Federal Constitution a little better. MyConstitution is a national campaign designed to educate the Malaysian public and create greater awareness about the Federal Constitution. The team behind the MyConstitution campaign is …
Recently, the topic of the Malaysian Constitution and what it means for all Malaysians has been raised in the wake of several incidents involving various religious and ethnic groups. Both sides of the debate have claimed that the Constitution is on their side. Ever wanted to find out more about the Malaysian Federal Constitution? Are …
Want to know more about the Malaysian Constitution? Read More »