Lent: 40 Days of Action – Day 17
Remember how you have often wished (or given thanks) for a boss that is more understanding and kind? Give your maid a day off for no reason. Remember they are human beings too.
Remember how you have often wished (or given thanks) for a boss that is more understanding and kind? Give your maid a day off for no reason. Remember they are human beings too.
Preaching from today’s readings (Exodus 20:1-17; I Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22), Pastor Augustin shared about how: In the Old Testament reading, we learn about God’s covenant “demands” to His people in the form of the 10 Commandments, which eventually led to a system of worship rituals centered around sacrifice. By the time of the Jesus, …
Don’t forget that beginning this week, BLC’s education activities will begin at 9am: Bible Study – Series On Worship Have you ever wondered about why Christians worship the way we do – why do we sing and have prayer? What was a worship service like for the early Christians, especially during times of persecution? How …
Think about what is important to you. Does your daily routine reflect this?
Don’t worry about small things; try to do something about bigger problems today.
Every time you drive your car today, put RM1 in your collection bank to help combat global climate change.
For each angry or sad person you encounter today, help another one laugh. Laughter heals!
Think of a gift you would like for yourself; now purchase and give it to someone who really needs it.
Drink water instead of canned drinks; eat smaller portions of food.
This morning, we had the privilege of having Rev. Benedict Muthusami of Open Doors International share from the story of Abraham (Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 and Romans 4:13-25). He started with a powerful video that depicted stories from various Christians around the world who were being persecuted for their faith. The testimony of those being persecuted …