Lent: 40 Days of Action – Day 32
Go for a walk with your family or friends. Pick up trash – to clean the environment – and recycle what you can. If you get cash, put the funds into your collection bank. LW
Go for a walk with your family or friends. Pick up trash – to clean the environment – and recycle what you can. If you get cash, put the funds into your collection bank. LW
Prepare a cold meal and use candlelight rather than electricity. Talk about why you would want to do this again. LW
Begin this day in prayer. Ask for an opportunity to share God’s love with someone, in a new way. Expect to be delighted by God’s answer. LW
If you know someone who serves others through an NGO or a mission, take time to talk to them and see how you can help. LW
This morning, Pastor Augustin shared a challenging message asking us to consider our identity as Christians. He talked about how we need to consider the challenge of today’s Gospel reading (John 12:20-33): to be like seeds that die in the ground before they are able to bring forth great harvest. He also shared from the …
Telephone a friend today, someone you have not seen lately. talk about what’s important. LW
There will be a time of prayer and reflection every Friday during this season of Lent from 8pm at The Father’s House. Hosted by Pastor Augustin, these sessions are open to all – so please feel free to invite guests. LW
Do you really need to spend so much for lunch today? Why not opt for something cheaper and put the difference into your collection bank? LW
Plan today how you will decrease your budget by living with fewer expenses for a month. Next month, decrease your expenses even more. Enjoy deciding how you will use this new treasure for God’s purposes. LW
Save water: Take 5-minute showers today and for the rest of this week. LW